Pinterest for Wedding Photographers

Pinterest may seem straightforward–pin and move on–but there’s actually quite a lot that goes into perfecting your Pinterest strategy. Through trial and error, we increased our Pinterest traffic at Junebug Weddings by nearly 1,000% over four years. Now, Pinterest traffic accounts for more site traffic than the rest of our social media traffic combined

While everyone seems to be focusing on Instagram algorithms and TikTok trends, we’ve prioritized Pinterest, which still stands as our #1 social traffic driver. That’s why we’re focusing on helping wedding photographers do the same for their businesses—all in less than two hours.

So, for those tired of guessing, blaming the algorithms, and pouring energy into strategies that just don’t work, meet Pinterest for Wedding Photographers. This newly revamped course is designed to help photographers like you create Pinterest strategies that’ll get more eyes on your work and then turn those Pinners into clients.

Course Curriculum

    1. Welcome to the Course

    2. How Do You Currently Use Pinterest?

    3. Let's See How Much You Know Already

    4. Your Ideal Client is on Pinterest

    1. Building Your Pinterest Account

    2. How Pinterest Works

    3. How to Use Pinterest Boards

    4. What are Rich Pins?

    5. Understanding Idea Pins

    1. What to Pin

    2. Evergreen Content

    3. Understanding Pinterest Trends

    1. Which Images Do Well On Pinterest?

    2. Shooting Portraits for Pinterest

    3. Shooting Decor for Pinterest

    4. Shooting Details for Pinterest

    5. Test Your Knowledge

    1. The Pinterest Algorithm

    2. Creating SEO-Friendly Boards

    3. Writing Pin Titles and Descriptions

    4. Pin Description Examples

    5. Practice Writing Descriptions

    6. Board Brainstorm Sheet

    1. How to Pin from Blog Posts

    2. How Often Should You Pin?

    3. Meet Tailwind

    4. Scheduling Pins

About this course

  • $199.00
  • 39 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content


“The content was amazing. Coming from someone who's had Pinterest for years but had no idea what to do with it for business was super helpful. The lessons were well constructed and informative. Nothing was drug out too long and it was clear and concise”

Kristen Kaiser

“I LOVED the sections on shooting for Pinterest, how to market yourself in a Pin when writing descriptions, and making a collage. There were so many things I never thought of that seem so obvious, but clearly aren't. I loved the video format and I loved that I could pause at anytime to look over at my own Pinterest and follow along.”

Maggie Grace Photography

“I had never thought about the importance of researching keywords. It’s SEO for Pinterest, but on a way easier level to understand. The way the course teaches you to research and strategically use them is mind-blowing. I would have bought the course for this section alone.”

India Earl


  • How much does the course cost?

    Pinterest for Wedding Photographers costs $199.

  • How long do I have to access the course?

    Once you've enrolled and paid, you'll have access to the course material forever—including any updates we make over time.

  • I still have questions. How can I contact you?

    We'd be happy to answer any questions you might have about Pinterest for Wedding Photographers. Send us an email at [email protected] and we’ll get back with you as soon as we’re able.

  • What if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

    If you're unhappy with the course email us within 10 days to request a full refund.

Ready to Pin your way to new leads?